You could smell the testosterone and the gasoline. It was sunny day and there was bikes from trikes to strip down and riders local, and import as well as some foreign bikers.
Ordinarily, we would get out of the way and wonder what 700 plus bikers were doing in one area.
There were some patches and colours. Some were on vintage bikes some on the very edge of technology.
And they were all there for on purpose.
To raise the awareness of prostrate cancer and encourage all me over 40 to see their Doctor.
Prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death in the United States behind lung cancer.
One in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime.
This year, about 241,740 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and 28,170 will die from this disease. African-American men and men with a family history of prostate cancer have a 60 percent greater risk of developing prostate cancer.
With new break troughs, this can be beaten, but early detection is the key.
Many of the Bikes had a piece of while paper on their windshield saying simply “Doing it for…………” As they remember loved ones who dies of cancer. One female rider added my husbands name to her paper. he died in 2002.
Some on who should get a huge accolade is Steve Dane. It was t his wonderful modern show room and shop that the bikes made their start.
This was poker run. They got their first card at the Harley shop, then toured to other sites on the route and would collect another card.
At the end of the day, they would see who had the best hand for the many classy prizes that the Biker community had collected.
There were women as well s me riding. Some on modern machines, and some on beloved antiques.
The bikers were willing to explain any feature to the non riding public, and listened to endless stories of ” My Grandpa’s Indian”
Thanks Steve, his staff and the volunteers for this wonderful opportunity to make Canadians aware that cancer can be beaten,
Also thanks to the Tim Horton’s on Westshore Parkway for their good spirits under heavy load.
Well done Men and women in the Biking Community. I hope Drivers give you a break when you are on the road. We need you all.
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